MIT Institute of Design



All the News and Updates from MITID

MIT ID Films on Pocket Films

Posted on 2nd Nov, 2015

MIT Institute of Design has tied up with the Pocket Films for the online release of the student Films. Under this agreement, every year MITID will be providing Pocket Films the best of its student's film for online release under their channel. Here is the link YouTube channel of Pocket Films and do watch the best of our student's films.…/UClR_A7xZrwegrToYsmS5dtg/videos

MIT ID Films on Pocket Films

Posted on 2nd Nov, 2015

MIT Institute of Design has tied up with the Pocket Films for the online release of the student Films. Under this agreement, every year MITID will be providing Pocket Films the best of its student's film for online release under their channel. Here is the link YouTube channel of Pocket Films and do watch the best of our student's films.


10th Foundation Day

Photographs of 10th Foundation Day Location : MIT’ ID Campus Date : 10 Aug 2015